
Index of Sections

Code Plain English

341B.1 General.

The space of buildings or portions of buildings with commercially /industrially- oriented JLWQ outside the area of the individual JLWQ shall comply with the appropriate California Energy Commission's Residential or the residential portion of the Non-residential Standards. Individual JLWQ units themselves shall comply as follows:

1. Either the Residential Standards may be applied or alternatively the residential portion of the Non-residential Standards may be applied (as appropriately indicated on information on plans) to individual JLWQ in buildings as follows:

1.1 Buildings of any number of stories with a maximum of two JLWQ and/or dwelling units.

1.2 Buildings with any number of individual JLWQ and/or dwelling units and with three or fewer habitable stories.

2. The residential portion of the Non-residential Standards shall apply to individual JLWQ in buildings as follows:

2.1 Buildings of any number of stories with more than two JLWQ and/or dwelling units.

2.2 Buildings with more than three habitable stories.

341B.1 General.

California has very specific codes regarding energy use in buildings. They are a part of the State Building Code, Title 24. Most renovations of existing buildings will be best served through the use of prescriptive heating standards combined with the "previously conditioned space" provision. (Refer to Section 329B.6)

However, new construction live/work or renovations in which major systems (e.g. windows) are replaced, or buildings not previously heated in any way whatsoever must undergo the rigorous Title 24 calculation process. This process is normally done by specialized consultants, part of whose work is to explain what’s required and suggest alterations during the design process. Items that can be "tweaked" are the number of windows and skylights, whether they are single or double glazed, shading and overhangs, and "thermal mass", which usually means the thickness and tendency of the concrete slab on grade floor to maintain a fairly constant temperature. Residential standards, as the name implies, are those that normally apply to a home or an apartment building.
For the purposes of this section, individual JLWQ that do not exceed the prescriptive heating and insulation requirements of Section 329B.6 or are not electrically heated are not considered as conditioned space.  "Not considered as conditioned space" means that Title 24 energy standards do not apply. As noted above, the prescriptive heating and insulating standards are intended to simplify the code. This exemption from costly and complex Title 24 energy calculations is very helpful.
An existing building with any existing permanently installed space conditioning equipment of any size may be considered previously conditioned for purposes of complying with Title 24 Energy Conservation Requirements. This is an important relaxation of existing Title 24 regulations which when invoked means that any such "previously conditioned space" need not have any changes made to its existing exterior envelope, such as the addition of double glazing or wall and roof insulation. To be considered previously conditioned space, one normally is required to document 10 BTU per square foot of heat, but any amount of heat anywhere in the building qualifies the entire building under this relaxed provision.
