Index of Sections

Code Plain English

352B.1 General.

The space of buildings or portions of buildings with commercially /industrially- oriented JLWQ outside the area of the individual JLWQ shall comply with the appropriate California Energy Commission's Residential or the residential portion of the Non-residential Standards. Individual JLWQ units themselves shall comply as follows:

1. Either the Residential Standards may be applied or alternatively the residential portion of the Non-residential Standards may be applied (as appropriately indicated on information on plans) to individual JLWQ in buildings as follows:

1.1 Buildings of any number of stories with a maximum of two JLWQ and/or dwelling units.

1.2 Buildings with any number of individual JLWQ and/or dwelling units and with three or fewer habitable stories.

2. The residential portion of the Non-residential Standards shall apply to individual JLWQ in buildings as follows:

2.1 Buildings of any number of stories with more than two JLWQ and/or dwelling units.

2.2 Buildings with more than three habitable stories.

352B.1 General.

California has very specific codes regarding energy use in buildings. They are a part of the State Building Code, Title 24.
