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The sections covering live/work are somewhat buried within the complete code, and the document containing the code is somewhat buried in the City of Oakland website. Here's how to find your way to the pot of gold...

  1. Go to the City of Oakland website, at
    (This link will open a new window in your browser. )
  2. Use the scroll bar to locate and click on "Title 15- Buildings and Construction"
  3. In the frame to the right, locate and click on "Chapter 15.04 Oakland Amendments to the California Building Codes"
  4. In this same window, a list will appear. The sections of the code covering JLWQ are listed under the heading: Article III. Non-Administrative Amendments Part I. California Building Code (CBC) and appear as follows:
    • 15.04.740 - Chapter 3B [F-7 occupancy]
    • 15.04.745 - Chapter 3C [R-7 occupancy]
    • 15.04.750 - Chapter 3D [F-8 occupancy]
    • 15.04.755 - Chapter 3E [R-8 occupancy]